*Please note: BRHP’s Homeownership Program is not currently accepting applicants.
BRHP Homeownership Program
The Thompson Partial Consent Decree directed the implementation of a Homeownership Demonstration Program (HDP). Under the Housing Authority of Baltimore City’s Moving to Work Demonstration (MTW) plan, BRHP operates two HUD-approved HDP’s:
- Direct Homeownership Second Mortgage Program
- Section 8 Direct Homeownership Second Mortgage Program
BRHP discontinued enrollment into its homeownership programs in 2013, but still provides services and support to initial participants through payment assistance, counseling and referrals. More on these homeownership programs can be found in our Administrative Plan.

Current Participants
We understand that owning a home is as big of a commitment as it is an achievement. As your trusted housing partner, BRHP is here to support you. We’ve created a packet of homeownership resources, including a resource guide, legal information and website links to resources right in your community to support you as a homeowner. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any additional questions for BRHP, please don’t hesitate to contact our Managing Director for Research & Innovation, Pete Cimbolic, at pcimbolic@brhp.org.
Homeownership Resources
Below you will find a listing of housing counseling agencies in your community and additional resources to get you started. For more information, we recommend you to visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) website or call 1-800-569-4287 for more information.