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Summer Camp Assistance Donation Portal

Summer camp can afford children the opportunity to make lifelong memories, learn new skills, and expand their social networks. We want children in our program to benefit from the experience of summer camp, so we are once again offering a Summer Camp Assistance Program to assist families in paying for camp.

This year, thanks to our partnership with the Y in Central Maryland, children from the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program will have the chance to enjoy enriching summer camp activities including arts & crafts, indoor games, swimming lessons, sports, and even field trips — all with the goal to provide a fun and memorable experience while supporting important childhood development.

Each year, we receive dozens of applications from families in our program requesting assistance for their children to attend summer activities. With the support of generous donors, coupled with our own funds, we have helped to send hundreds of children from our program to summer camp over the past five years. Help us to give a child the gift of adventure this summer by supporting the BRHP Summer Camp Assistance Program.

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