

Daneisha lived in Baltimore City public housing before applying to BRHP’s Housing Mobility program. The opportunities and support helped her and her kids build their future.

After living in Baltimore City public housing, Daneisha decided she needed to change her housing location, and applied for BRHP’s Housing Mobility program. She knew that it could help her and her children gain access to better opportunities in a new area.  

When Daneisha first joined the program, she was surprised by the support and guidance provided and expressed gratitude for how many people were thrilled to help her enroll and begin her housing journey.  

As a result of her ten-year participation in BRHP’s Housing Mobility program, Daniesha accomplished her personal financial goal of buying a home in a high-opportunity area. She was able to establish better credit than when she first enrolled and secured resources for her children through BRHP’s Back 2 School supply distribution program. “I am a single mother, and the Housing Voucher program helped me financially to move my kids into a decent area with decent schools.” 

Fortunately, Daneisha was able to work through the program simply; she paid her rent on time and gave advance notice whenever necessary, but she still appreciated the advocacy from BRHP’s counselors regarding landlord-tenant issues, and the fast support she received for any questions or issues she encountered.  

Daniesha highly recommends participating in BRHP’s Housing Mobility program. Her advice to future participants? “Follow the directives. If you follow the tools they give us, you will be more successful.” By following the established guidelines and utilizing the classes, workshops, and resources BRHP provided, Daneisha believes that BRHP’s programs set her up for success in building her credit and financial health. Daneisha recently graduated from BRHP’s program and bought a home in Hartford County, the process made simple because of her improved credit and financial savings thanks to the BRHP Housing Mobility program. 

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