
BRHP Search Tool

Please use this search tool to determine if a home you are interested in renting is in an Opportunity Area. Please fill in all the required information in the form below and then press “Submit”.
The rent ranges listed are valid for leases starting January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

Guidance on Payment Standard and Affordable Rent Ranges

The affordable rent range listed is based on the payment standard for the census tract in which the property is located. This range factors in the typical utility allowance provided for the given bedroom size. Because the program looks at gross rent (contract rent plus utilities) when assessing affordability, a contract rent at or near the payment standard is less likely to be affordable to a family. The payment standard and affordable rent range do not factor rent comparability. When a home is submitted to BRHP for tenancy, BRHP will run a check in a comparable database to determine if the rent being asked is in line with market rents for similar properties within a two mile radius. If you would like to see if the rent of the property is comparable to market rent, visit the website

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