Note: BRHP’s program waitlist remains closed until further notice.
Over the past 15 months, BRHP has made significant changes to its operations as a safety precaution during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to thank you for your understanding, patience, and cooperation during this time as we adapted to new technologies and ways of work to continue our operations.
We are pleased to announce that starting on July 6, 2021, we will be reopening our office to participants and property partners of the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program by appointment only. The following office reopening protocol will be applied and enforced:
Appointment only: The office is available to guests by appointment only. You may make an appointment either by using our online form at https://brhp.org/office-appointment/ or by calling our hotline number at 667-207-2100.
Face masks required: All office guests will be required to wear face masks in the office, including for the duration of your appointment.
BRHP will continue providing the following offerings and services:
Electronic document submissions: Our website allows for you to submit many documents to ensure you maintain good standing with our program. You may also continue to scan documents to us. We suggest you download the free Genius Scan application to scan documents. Instructions for downloading and using the application can be found on our website at www.brhp.org.
BRHP hotline number: The BRHP hotline will remain in effect and have dedicated staff on hand to answer questions and check the status of paperwork. The hotline number is 667-207-2100.
Drop box: While we encourage you to submit your documents either by appointment at our office or electronically through our website, we understand that this may be a challenge at times. For this reason, our secure drop box will remain active in our elevator lobby for document drop offs. This drop box is locked and checked daily.
Dedicated email addresses for specific paperwork: These emails allow us to better address and process your paperwork. Please see a list of important email addresses below.
Important Contacts
inspections@brhp.org– To communicate with inspections team and return self-certification forms.
decreases@brhp.org – To submit interim change forms and supporting documentation for decreases in income.
leases@brhp.org – For submission of leases to HCV leasing team.
move-request@brhp.org – To submit request to move forms and associated documentation.
recerts@brhp.org – To submit recertification packets and supporting documentation.
rentincrease@brhp.org – To submit rent increase request forms and supporting documentation.
reportchange@brhp.org – To submit interim change forms and supporting documentation.
rta@brhp.org – To submit Request for Tenancy Approval forms and supporting documentation.
fe@brhp.org– To submit Final Eligibility applications and supporting documentation.
Sending Documents Electronically
Would you like to send a document to BRHP electronically? Here is a refresher:
Scan and email your documents to us using Genius Scan! Genius Scan is an easy way to scan and send documents, and can even handle sending multiple pages at one time. The app is free and can be downloaded via these links:
Apple users click here to get Genius Scan (FREE!)
Android users click here to get Genius Scan (FREE!)
Click here for a video tutorial on how to use Genius Scan.
Stay Informed
We want to provide some helpful links to keep you informed, and to share best practices to halt the spread of the virus.
World Health Organization (WHO) Advice for the Public
Maryland Department of Health– Maryland 211
View BRHP’s Resource Guide (Last Updated on 04/09/2021)
We look forward to welcoming you back in the office and assisting you with your housing needs. Thank you for your cooperation as we work to reopen in an efficient and safe manner.