
Listing a Property with BRHP


If you are interested in listing your property with BRHP, please use the form below.

All safe and decent styles of housing located in Opportunity neighborhoods are eligible to be listed with BRHP. This includes both apartments and single-family homes, provided the rent is reasonable given the type, size, condition, and location of the property. Eligible units must be located in an Opportunity area in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, or Howard Counties or in an Opportunity area of Baltimore City. 

You can determine if your unit is in an opportunity area by using our search tool.

BRHP has a dedicated Landlord Relationship Specialist who can answer your questions, will review your property listing, and ensure your property is being referred to potential tenants. You may contact our Landlord Outreach Specialist, Dominic Silva, at 667-207-2139 or

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