Christina Adams
Acting Housing Mobility Supervisor - Counseling
Christina Adams
Acting Housing Mobility Supervisor - Counseling

Christina Adams is a Housing Mobility Supervisor, where she assists the Mobility Department, and works with the Counseling department and Housing Choice Voucher programs. Before coming to BRHP, Christina worked in property management for 10 years. As a property manager, she managed various demographics throughout the DMV area, mainly in Prince Georges County. Christina graduated in the top 5% of her class of 1000 students from Suitland High School and was part of the specialized University High Program. Additionally, Christina scored a 97 on The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, but decided to remain in the housing sector, supporting affordable housing availability, rather than enlist. Outside of work, Christina is a nature lover, who also enjoys playing video games, eating sweets, and swimming recreationally.

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