
Contract of Participation

  • This Contract of Participation is between Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) and the head of household, (herein called the Family); however, all members of the Family who will reside in the assisted unit are responsible for successful completion of the activities outlined in the Individual Training Plan (ITP).

  • Purpose of Contract

    The purpose of this contract is to outline the rights and responsibilities of the Family and the staff of BRHP, outline the counseling, resources, and other services to be provided to the Family, and the activities and goals to be accomplished by the Family.
  • Term of Contract

    This contract will become effective on the date of signing, and terminates one full year from that date.

    BRHP may extend the term of this contact as determined necessary by BRHP provided that the Family has shown progress in meeting the goals outlined in the Individual Training Plan and agrees to continued participation.

  • Counseling, Resources and Other Services

    •During the term of this contract, BRHP will make every effort to provide and/or refer the Family to the counseling, resources and other services outlined in the ITP.

    •If resources and services are not available, BRHP will make every effort to find alternative resources and services.

    •If alternative resources are not reasonably available, the ITP will be revised accordingly.

  • Family Responsibilities and Agreement

    The Head of Household and all Family members must:

    1. Be committed to successful completion of the ITP before and after the move including:

    • Show progress in achieving the goals within the time frames outlined in the ITP

    • Actively participate in all counseling relevant to successful completion of the ITP

    •Complete all workshops recommended by the BRHP Trainer and those included in the ITP on being a good neighbor, building good landlord/tenant relations, and other workshops considered appropriate for our success in moving

    •Make every effort to resolve or work on any outstanding credit problems, utility debts, current or prior tenant/landlord issues, or other concerns that Family and/or Trainer feels could hinder the move

    2. Actively search for safe, decent and affordable housing in the non-impacted areas of Metropolitan Baltimore and provide your Counselor with a list of units the Family is interested in within these areas.

    3. Notify your Counselor immediately when a unit in a non-impacted community is identified.

    4. Notify your Counselor if there are changes in residence, family status, income, and employment status within 30 days of the change.

  • BRHP Responsibilities and Agreement

    BRHP staff will make every effort to make the services and activities outlined in the ITP available and shall:

    1. Work with the Head of Household and all Family members to develop an appropriate ITP to assist in the move to safe, decent, affordable housing in a non-impacted area in Metropolitan Baltimore.

    2. Support the Family’s efforts to successfully complete the ITP including:

    • Make workshops, counseling, and other resources available to the Family as needed, before, during, and after your move

    • Provide transportation, when necessary, to locate safe, decent and affordable housing in a non-impacted community

    • Meet and work with members of the Family at convenient locations including your home and office, if necessary

    3. Assist the Family to resolve any housing crises.

    4. Preserve the confidentiality of all information provided to BRHP by the Family.

  • Corrective Action for Failure to Meet Responsibilities

    If any member of the Family does not meet his or her responsibilities under this contract, BRHP shall develop a plan of action to cure or correct actions to assist the Family to fulfill its obligations outlined in the ITP.
  • Compliance with HUD Regulations and Requirements

    This Contract of Participation must be interpreted and administered in accordance with general HUD regulations, requirements, and those applicable to the Thompson v. HUD Partial Consent Decree.
  • Name
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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