Momentum grows for Baltimore health and housing demonstration with additional funding from the Weinberg Foundation
For Immediate Release: January 7, 2022
Contact: Tiffani Long, tlong@brhp.org, 667-207-2154
Baltimore, MD – The Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) announced today that it was the recipient of a $225,000 grant from The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation to administer the Healthy Children Voucher Demonstration, a program that will assist 150 Baltimore City families move to better quality housing to improve their health outcomes. The initiative is a partnership between BRHP, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC), researchers from Johns Hopkins, and local healthcare providers, and has the goal of addressing underlying causes of poor health, low educational attainment, and intergenerational poverty.
The funding will support the implementation of the program over two years and will operate in conjunction with BRHP’s Baltimore Housing Mobility Program, which helps over 4,300 families annually access and transition to better quality housing and neighborhoods throughout the Baltimore region through a coupling of Housing Choice Vouchers and pre- and post-move counseling services. The program will target families with children who can benefit medically and developmentally from making a move to a healthier home environment.
BRHP previously received a one-year planning phase grant from the Kresge Foundation in 2019 as a part of its Advancing Health Equity Through Housing Initiative followed by a two-year implementation grant from the foundation in June 2021 that will fund the program in conjunction with the Weinberg Foundation grant.
“We are grateful for the support of the Weinberg Foundation towards this critical housing and health initiative. Their longstanding commitment to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty is admirable and we are proud to be a partner,” said Adria Crutchfield, executive director of the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership. “With their support, we will be able to give families access to the supportive housing environments they need to improve their health outcomes.”
The program will launch in 2022 and will track the health outcomes of participants through interviews and surveys following their transition to new homes. The initial focus of the program is to give healthcare providers a mechanism to address patients’ medical conditions through healthier housing.
For more background on the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership: www.brhp.org
For more background on The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation: https://hjweinbergfoundation.org/