
The landmark Thompson v. HUD verdict allowed for the creation of the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program. This program gave people access to areas and opportunities that they normally would have been denied. Their lives changed for the better. The following is participants’ testimonies of how the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program helped them to achieve their goals.

BRHP Participant – Michelle Greene
Michelle was looking for a better life for her sons. Through the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program, she was able to move to a safe neighborhood. Her sons thrived in their new environment. They beat the odds, and came out on top.
Her story

BRHP Participant – Nichole Smith
NIchole grew up in public housing. When she had her son, she wanted a better environment for both of them. Nichole knew that the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program would give her the opportunity to access areas that she normally would not have been able to. Through the program, she was able to grow into the person that she wanted to be.
Her story

BRHP Participant – Sabrina Oliver
Sabrina was looking for a better life for her two children. Her daughter was suffering from severe asthma. Her son had a learning disability. Through the Baltimore Housing Mobility program, she was able to move her family to an area with better resources. Her daughter’s asthma disappeared. Her son was able to get the assistance that he needed. Sabrina was able to go back to school. Through the program, they were able to achieve excellence.
Her story

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