Frequently Asked Questions
You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section below for applicants.
What if I move while I’m on the waitlist?
It is important to keep your address up to date. If your address changes, you must complete a Change of Address Form to report your new address to BRHP. The Change of Address Form may be submitted online or to our client center located at 100 N. Charles Street, Plaza Level, open Monday through Friday from 8:30a – 5p. We cannot update your address over the phone.
After two attempts to reach an applicant at the last know address, BRHP will remove the applicant from the waitlist. As our waitlist is currently closed, removed applicants may only reapply once the waitlist reopens.
How do you pick applicants from the waitlist?
BRHP places all qualified applicants on the waitlist in the order received. Applications are then ordered by preference according to the local and ranking preferences for which a family qualifies. When picking applicants from the waitlist, we accept the highest point applications first, in date and time order. Here is a snapshot of our local and ranking preferences:
Please note, applicants only receive one local preference (the highest point value that they qualify for). The ranking preferences can be stacked, so applicants can get points for multiple ranking preferences. Preference rankings can change when application changes are made. Applicants selected from the waitlist are required to complete all counseling workshops and meet all program requirements before being administered a Housing Choice Voucher. More information on BRHP’s approved preferences can be found on page 17 of our Administrative Plan. You can update your application here.
The list of HABC family public housing developments include:
- Brooklyn Homes
- Cherry Hill Homes
- Douglass Homes
- Gilmor Homes
- Latrobe Homes
- McCulloh Homes (low-rise)
- O’Donnell Heights
- Perkins Homes
- Rosemont/Dukeland
- Somerset Court Extension
- Westport Homes
- Scattered Sites
- Pleasant View Gardens
- *The Broadway
- *Charles K. Anderson
- *Claremont Homes
- *Fairfield Homes
- *Flag House
- *Hollander Ridge
- *Lafayette Courts
- *Lexington Terrace
- *Murphy Homes
*Developments that have since been demolished.
When will you start calling people off of the waitlist?
While we do select from our waitlist, we only select about 200 applicants each year due to the limited supply of vouchers we have been funded from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Unfortunately, wait times are long, because we have over 14,000 people on our program waitlist. For this reason, we recommend applicants on our waitlist visit the applicants page for a list of resources for immediate housing needs. We hope you find these resources helpful.
What other changes do I need to report while I’m on the waitlist?
You will need to complete our Waitlist Change of Information Packet to report other changes like:
- Your Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) family public housing status changes
- You are now on the waitlist for HABC family public housing or a Housing Choice Voucher waitlist
- You want to remove someone from your application
- You want to add someone to your application including the birth of a child
See the Waitlist Change of Information Packet for more information.
Where am I on the waitlist?
BRHP can only confirm whether you have been placed on the waitlist. We cannot confirm your exact placement or specify when you might be selected for the program.
How long will it take for me to get my voucher?
Getting your voucher is a process that prepares you to become a good candidate for a lease in an opportunity area. The entire process from orientation to moving into an opportunity area, may take more than a year based on how prepared you are coming in. You should make receiving a voucher, a long-term goal.
Why did my friend who applied after me get their voucher before me?
We select families based on date and time order and the number of preference points received in accordance with our Administrative Plan. This meaning some families will be selected sooner than others depending on how many points they received based on their application.