
Success Stories

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Tuere was especially appreciative of the financial assistance she received after she lost her job. “They [BRHP] gave me a zero-rent balance, kept it at zero, and helped me with my utilities,” allowing her to…

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Marvin joined the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership’s (BRHP) Housing Mobility program in 2014, as a young man about to have his first child. He knew he wanted to provide for his children, and after overhearing…

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After living in Baltimore City public housing, Daneisha decided she needed to change her housing location, and applied for BRHP’s Housing Mobility program. She knew that it could help her and her children gain access…

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When Kiera was 18 years old, she had just had her first little girl and decided that it was necessary for her to move out and begin living on her own. When the time came…

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